Very thrilled to have done contract audio work for my extremely talented friends at Petricore Inc. on Lotto Boxes. I've worked with a lot of the devs at Petricore in the past at MassDiGI'S 2014 Summer Innovation Program, and seeing their progress as a group has been amazing to see ever since graduating from the program. 

Lotto Boxes is a project developed by Petricore and put together by Becker College, MassDiGI, and the Silicon Valley Foundation "to design & develop a game to spotlight the issue of Income Inequality in America." 

In my personal life, I am trying as well to be more involved in what affects my life and others', and I was really happy to contribute to a project that addresses the wealth gap in our society in a way that's both fun and educational.
The gameplay itself involved making jazz music that fit the game and the speed of the gameplay. A lot of the sounds involved actually ripping apart a box I had and recording objects to match what was on the screen

You can watch the trailer for the game here, featuring some of my music:



The game is now out on the AppStore and Google Play store. 
